Eight Couples share their wedding anniversary traditions

Your wedding day was exciting and memorable, but the best part is that you can always relive those moments year after year. You and your spouse can choose how you want to celebrate the occasion. It could be something as extravagant and exotic as a trip to an island in the sun or as simple as a dinner at home. You can either make it a tradition and continue to do the same thing every year or change how you celebrate the occasion. We asked eight couples to share their traditions for celebrating the anniversary of their special day.

“We go on a memory lane trip.”

Sharene W., a New York City resident who tied the knot eleven years ago, spends her anniversary reflecting on their whole relationship, not just their wedding day. My husband and I go back to old photos and videos every year for our anniversary. She says that reminiscing and looking back at all the great, hilarious, life-changing, sometimes embarrassing moments and stories shows how interconnected and important each of us is to one another.

“We drank wine glasses on our wedding day.”

Your DIY projects don’t have to go. Keisha B. is a Tampa resident who got married three years ago. She says that she celebrates her marriage and all that was involved in planning it. Each year, she drinks from custom-made wine glasses she and her husband made. I made these custom-made, oversized, blinged-out wine glasses for us, which we carried with us when we were introduced to the reception. She says that each year they get a bottle Champagne and toast with the same glasses every year. They do more than that. “We dance to our wedding song, then sit down and share all we have learned in the past year. Then we share our love for each other and our marriage.”

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“I put on my wedding gown!”

Betsy still loves her wedding dress after all these years. H., who lives in Northbrook, Illinois says that she still loves her wedding gown as much as she did the day she tried it on. H., who lives in Northbrook, Illinois, says she loves her wedding dress as much as the day it was first tried on. It was my first ever wedding dress and I fell in love with it! She explains that it was so comfortable and embodied the feelings I wanted for my wedding. I can’t even imagine putting it in a box to never see it again after that night. What would I keep it for? My daughter would love to have her own place one day. It was our first anniversary and I thought, “Why not?” It’s the perfect excuse for me to get it on again. It instantly brought back memories of our wedding night. Except for our third anniversary, I have continued to do it every year except that of Nate and Jordan who were born exactly one week later. It will still zip every year!

“We exchange gifts from traditional and modern anniversary gift list.”

Carole F., a Lake Forest resident, says that she and her husband have been celebrating their nine-year wedding anniversary by surprising each other with a gift that matches the theme of the modern or traditional anniversary gift list. We adopted this tradition as it forces us both to be creative with gift-giving. She explains that Dave was gifted a jar full of pennies to take on a surprise trip in Palm Springs for his ‘copper’ year. He also received a copper menorah from her. “For our fruit/flowers’ anniversary, I gave Dave red flowers to plant (he was a landscaper in England). Red was also the accent color of our wedding. Each of our traditional list’ gifts is very personal and meaningful. It’s always lovely to reflect back on the many gifts that have meant so much over the years.

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“We spend time reflecting.”

Although Amy S., Fayetteville, North Carolina resident, has been married for 24 years, she said that her and her husband still reflect on their journeys every anniversary. “We have seen so many changes in our lives together over the past 24 years. A healthy perspective is built by looking back at the early years and discussing life’s celebrations and challenges. She explains that it is not about gifts. It is about life, what we have accomplished together and how we supported one another.”

“We sail to one the many Maine islands”

Kristan V. is a Portland, Maine resident and has been married for 2 years. She believes there’s no better way than a thrilling vacation to mark her anniversary. My husband and I love sailing and we both love adventure. She says that they go to new islands, enjoy Maine’s beautiful coast, and have fun together on the open water. My father-in law owns a catamaran company so he lends us one his high-quality sailing yachts to celebrate our anniversary. It has been a tradition for many years and will continue.”

“We enjoy a quiet, romantic meal together.”

Nancy L., a Frisco resident, has five children and 20 years of marriage. She and her husband enjoy a quiet, romantic meal together to celebrate their anniversary. We raised five children, so it was important to have a special night out every year for us to reconnect as a couple. We share a love note that we have written to one another during that meal. This allows us to reaffirm our marriage vows. It’s also nice to see your spouse write a love letter about you.

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“We invite our family and friends to Vegas.”

Crystal W. lives in Olathe in Kansas with her husband. They have celebrated every anniversary of their 13-year marriage with all the loved ones that can join them in Las Vegas. “We were engaged at the Paris Hotel and Casino in Vegas, and a year later we got married at the Catholic Church on the Strip. She says that every year, we go back to our happy place (sometimes with close friends, sometimes alone) to reconnect with each other. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.